First, understand the Instructions

Sunday readings in brief 16 C

Gen 18:1-10; Ps 14(15); Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42

First, understand Instructions

Dear friends, today is the sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary. In today’s lesson, Jesus is emphasizing the importance of being instructed by him. Many times, we make mistakes because we do not pay attention to instructions. Other times we are busy with other things we deem more important and end up missing the best things in life.

One day teacher wanted to know whether her students read and understand the instructions that are always written on top of the examination paper. He wrote five instructions and the last one read, “Do not answer any question”.  He even emphasized that they should read the instructions before answering the questions. When the students received the questions, most of them began answering the questions almost immediately. Two hours later, all the students submitted their examination papers with all the questions. They all failed the examination that day.

When Jesus visited the home of Mary and Martha, immediately Martha rushed to the kitchen to prepare food for him and other guests accompanying him, while Mary stayed with Jesus listening to him. A while later, Martha came complaining that Mary had left her alone to cook for the guest and Jesus seemed not to mind about it. Jesus answered him that Mary had chosen the best part of staying with him.

When Jesus is with us, he wants to feed us with his heavenly wisdom and not the way around. Many Christians think that when they go to Church they have to tell God as many things as possible. However, we go to Church to be fed our souls by the Word of God and the Eucharist. Jesus is feeding us rather than us feeding him. In turn, we are supposed to feed our neighbors and the strangers who pass by our homes and get blessings. This is what we read in the first reading today. Abraham welcomed the three men who passed by his tent and prepared a meal for them without knowing that they were angels sent to him by God. Many we dismiss or lock our doors to strangers thinking they are lazy beggars or robbers and spend hours in places of worship praying to God for many things.

St. Paul tells the Colossians that he became the servant of the Church to deliver the message revealed to him by Christ. This is the catechesis that we all need so that we can be the best Disciples of Christ. Prayer is not a one-way conversation with God telling him what he should do for us or for our loved ones. Jesus told us that God knows all we need even before we tell him. Prayer and worship are more about listening to the instructions that are contained in the Word of God. Prayer is putting our faith into action in our neighbourhoods and places of work.

Dear friends, invite us to evaluate our attitude towards prayer and worship and see whether we emphasize more listening to Jesus or rattling without giving him a chance to instruct us.

Have a blessed Sunday.

Fr. Lawrence Muthee, SVD (

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